I'm currently flying through the skies at an altitude of 38014 feet with 411 miles to travel. I hate to sound like an ad, but I am currently loving Virgin America Airline. Their free wifi and interactive built-in screens is way too cool. Our flight from San Diego to San Francisco was a couple of episodes of South Park and some snippets of CNN during commercials. The seats are comfortable, the lights are blue/purple which provide enough light to see and aren't over bearing. I like this. Now if only they served a snack of some sort, they'd be perfect! Peanuts, Pretzels, I don't really care, just something to munch on...
I'm currently over stuffed, so I don't really mind, my stomach actually kind of hurts, but it might just be the food baby kicking :/ I had an egg salad sandwhich and some hummus and pita for dinner, and half of a giant chocolate chip cookie for dessert. I am stuffed to the brim!
On the bright side, I stumbled across the 500 days of Summer soundtrack, and found out that She & Him cover
"Please, Please, Please Let me Get What I Want" and it's very well done: Zooey's voice is pleasant, the guitars and music are well done! :) It made me smile quite a bit, and reminded me of Sanya, who I unfortunately didn't see during this break :( However, we've made plans to reunite over Winter break, which is good, 'cause I miss that little Cambodian!

So, I've been a bad blogger because we've been in San Diego the past few days, and quite busy! Our Thanksgivings were good (for the most part)! I made 2 delicious Vegetable Pot Pies, one as a contribution to Kyle's Mom's Thanksgiving, and the other to my Mom's! We went over to Kyle's relatively early, though we might have been 30 minutes late...maybe. This is the first Thanksgiving that I realized that most other families have Thanksgiving pretty early, my family, however, is lucky if we eat around 6pm! Though the norm is around 8pm! We saw relatives from both of our families, and there was a lot of Wii playing, as well as a lot of the same questions. "How's Seattle?!" "Do you like it?" "Does it rain a lot?" "Do you have jobs yet?" "How's school going?" I should have thought ahead and made note cards with the frequently asked questions and their answers and passed them around the table! haha :)
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