Thursday, January 28, 2010


Oh dear...
It all started when our friend Jenny convinced her boyfriend Diego to watch Lost (the first 5 seasons) so he can get all caught up so he can watch it with her.

Kyle's family used to watch Lost, so he's seen the first like 3 seasons, but he stopped watching after then. So of course, as Diego is watching more and more Lost, he's talking about it more and more with Kyle. And what does Kyle have to do? Talk to me about it...however, I've never seen the show (though I did know the basic gist of it) he decided to add all 5 seasons to our Instant Queue...and the past couple of days (in between all the other things we've been doing) have been devoted to Lost!

I now know why everyone was SO addicted to the show!! I'm so glad I started watching it so late, because instead of having to wait every week/between seasons, I can watch them all in a row :)
(haha, I'm horrible!)

But to be honest, I'm getting a little tired of all the unanswered questions! I just want to know what's going on! At least with movies, after 2 hours you get closure, but no...something crazy happens like every episode!

Sigh...and do you know what I'm going to do once I'm done typing this all out?

I'm going to go back to watching's a sickness, really.

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