Friday, December 31, 2010

So Long, 2010

So, I've managed to forget to upload pictures from Christmas almost everyday this week, and to be honest, it's not gonna happen tonight either!

But can you blame me, tonight we'll bid farewell to 2010. All the happiness, love, laughter, tears, and sadness that the year was full've been quite the emotional roller coaster!

Nonetheless, cheers to all the new friends, new experiences, new lessons, and new memories!

As for 2011...can I just say I hope you'll be a little more peaceful? That would just be so nice! a girl can dream, right?

So, here are my resolutions: don't laugh, m'kay?
  1. Continue to go to the gym regularly and work towards my health/appearance goals.
  2. Stay in better touch with my dear friends (get better at phone calls/video chats/emails/fb messages, etc)
  3. Look into agility training for Dexter (he'd have so much fun with it!)
  4. Spend more time with my hobbies (photography, crafts, sewing, roller skating, etc)
  5. Try a new recipe at least once a week
  6. Go hiking more often
  7. Travel somewhere new

That's all I have for now, maybe I'll update this before the night is through...

If we don't speak until after midnight, I hope this new year will bring you new happiness and peace :) 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I can't believe Christmas has already come and gone!

Our week in San Diego went surprisingly complications, no was really nice :)

I didn't get to spend too much time with friends since we're all so busy, but I almost saw everyone at least once! The majority of my week though was spent with family, which was really nice :) I probably spent too much money on people's presents, but it was worth it to see their delighted faces! Chris unfortunately couldn't make it down with Linda, he spent Christmas in San Louis Obispo with Grandma Julia.

Kyle and I did a lot of running around to see family! Christmas Eve we first did early dinner with his Mom, Kaleb, Auntie B & Uncle Bob & their kids. Then we went to my parent's house to spend time with family and friends. Tamales & Games were followed by our traditional trek to midnight Mass :) Christmas morning was spent with my family with lots of coffee, breakfast, and of course, present opening! Then we went to his Mommy's house and we opened presents, then went over to his Grandma's house where we did more presents and dinner. Afterwards, we once again went back to my parent's house, my mom made Persian food for Christmas day dinner :) Lots of food, games, and good times :)

For the majority of the week, it was as if everything was totally normal and fine...which was such a relief! It was an actual vacation!

I really didn't want to leave...but here I am, second day back in Seattle.

New Year's Eve is on Friday, and I have to confess that I am terrified of the upcoming new year. I mean, sure, there are quite a few things I'm looking forward to...but there are some inevitable things that are approaching quickly. My dad's health, for example, is looking worse and worse. Essentially we are at the end of the line Dad's kidney can no longer function on its own, he goes to dialysis every other day for 4-6 hour sessions. He is exhausted all the time, he can't take more than 5-10 steps without having to stop because he's just so drained of energy. It's really hard to see him as he's just terrifying thinking that he won't be with us much longer. My dad is an essential part to our family's foundation, and I don't know how we'll function without him. It's terrifying to think that it's incredibly likely my dad will pass away in this new year. I mean, the doctors don't even have a "game plan" at this point, sure they put him on the donor list, but the wait is about 5 years. But, honestly, even with dialysis every other day, my dad can't make it another 5 years.

Wow, this topic somehow got really heavy, I was trying to post something light, but I guess it'd be ridiculous to ignore everything but the light happy stuff...but anyway.

I just wanted to say how grateful I am for having had a peaceful, merry Christmas with the people that I love. Hope you had a Merry Christmas too, reader!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

This past week...

To quickly summarize...

I finished my fall quarter classes
I watched The Black Swan (very good, and kept me on edge)

I made way too many cookies (sugar cookies, thumbprint pb & hershey kiss cookies, and gingerbread men)
I spent too much on people's Christmas presents (happens every year...hah)
I went to the gym a lot (it makes me feel good!)
I saw Carly for a little bit (I gave her some coffee to soothe her addiction, she gave me a bottle of wine)

Tonight, Kyle and I are packing for San Diego, because tomorrow right after I get off work, we'll be heading to the airport and making our way home :)

I'm really looking forward to seeing our families, and of course, our friends :)

Woo hoo!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Disney Quest!

Jenny and I have embarked on a Disney Quest...and by that I mean we decided to watch our favorite Disney movies in chronological order, haha :) so far, we've watched...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Me, me, me.

Operation self-improvement is going well so far!

Jenny and I joined LA Fitness yesterday, and can I just say, it feels good to work out. We're going back today, and tomorrow morning we have our 1 free session of working with a personal trainer. I really like it, doing something that makes me feel good. :)

The gym is only 5 minutes away, which is very convenient, and it's really big and clean. It was also neat considering our "cute girl discount" was way better than Jenny's Starbucks discount :) tehehe!

I'm going to start planning/making healthier food. Not to say I eat unhealthy, at all, but it could be healthier, I'm just usually too lazy to go that extra mile. But not anymore, girl power has been our motto recently, and I'm totally digging it!

Today might not have started out so great (my hair looks awful and I got a flat tire on my way to work), but I'm really looking forward to going to the gym tonight :)

If I wasn't so embarrassed of my flabby body, I'd post before & after pictures...but I'll just (hopefully) post pictures once I reach my goal :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Girl Day!

One of the things I love about living with Jenny is that she has incredible mind-reading powers (or maybe blog reading powers? haha). Yesterday we decided to indulge in ourselves :)

It all started with a fun Mani-Pedi at this little hole in the wall wasn't too expensive, and our nails look fabulous! The pedi chairs were massage chairs (omg, what a luxury, lol) and as if that wasn't enough, we got shoulder rubs while receiving the manicures :) Honestly, my nails haven't looked this nice in SO long (I went classic french because I figured it'd be easier than trying to make sure my outfits complemented my nail color, lol). Also, I haven't painted my toe nails in years...I forgot how much I like painted toe nails. They take normal looking feet, and make them cute :)

After a relaxing and fun time getting our nails done, we went to Starbucks and got Peppermint Mochas and then went to see Tangled. Seriously, Tangled is the best/cutest/funniest/saddest animated film I've seen since Up (yes, Up is still my all-time favorite, but this is a pretty close second!). If you haven't already, go see it! Now! :)

After the movie, we went home to make dinner, eat pumpkin cheesecake, and caught up on Gossip Girl. OMG, last night's episode was insane!!! I can't believe we have to wait until the shows come back from holiday break :[

Saturday, December 4, 2010


hold it...hold it...hold it...exhale...........

Breathing is a wonderful thing, I should do it more often...deep breathing in particular. I've always found it incredibly relaxing.

Something I need to do more: Relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax

This post will not be a rant. It will not be a bunch of rambles.

I received some great advice from a great friend, and I'm taking it to heart. I do need to focus on myself, as hard as that might be, I need to make the time. I get so caught up in a whirlwind of worries, I can't see the ground anymore, and it scares me. But I shouldn't be in whirlwinds, right? I embarked on this adventure to the lovely Seattle, Washington for many reasons. One of the most important being growing as a person. And I have grown, so I need to act like I've grown.

I'm in the need of re-inspiration to be me. Honestly, I haven't taken a picture for fun in so long. My bloggy is so sad without pictures, and more importantly, I LOVE taking pictures.

Tonight, I will embark on a new cooking adventure: vegan pumpkin cheesecake
I have been trying to make this cheesecake for weeks! I wanted to try to make it before we left for Thanksgiving so I could see if I wanted to make it for Thanksgiving...and I somehow never found the time to make it...then I decided I would just make it for Thanksgiving...but life got in the way, and I never got to make tonight, I WILL make it! It will taste delicious. I will enjoy stuffing my face with it. It will make me happy.

p.s. our date last night was quite lovely. Dinner at one of our favorite places, followed by geeking out at a Barnes & Noble and getting to pick out 3 books (it was a buy 2 get the 3rd free special). Food+Books? My boy sure knows how to cheer me up :) 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Funky Town

but not the fun version.

I don't really know what it is, maybe it's the aforementioned stressed/distraught, but I've been in a bad funk recently. I've given a lot of thought about changing certain aspects of my life that I never thought I'd consider. But that's life, right? I won't mention what I've been thinking about to save readers from worrying, especially considering I've just been THINKING I have not actually acted upon my thoughts.

I just feel "off", but that's probably because Kyle and I have been a little "off" the past few days. To the point where both of us have stepped on each other's emotional toes just a few too many times, resulting in a nearly sleepless night. I guess I just never thought we'd do that to each other. But to be honest, this past year has presented a lot of stresses on our relationship. In eleven days we will hit the 2 and 1/2 year mark. It's a long time to be together, and sometimes it's easy to focus less on our relationship, and more on other things. To be honest, I think we just need a real date. Before the stresses of life came in, before we moved to Seattle...we went on dates all the time. No, I don't mean we went out every night, I just mean we spent dedicated amounts of time to one-on-one time where we can just live in our little love bubble. Recently those dates have turned into the occasional narwhal game, which is fine and dandy, but the occasional alone time isn't enough for me most days.

Not to mention, we will soon be rooming with two more friends...and the 4-2 outnumbering of boys to girls will be interesting...and by interesting, I mean I don't know how it'll go, haha. I'm worried that the Testosterone levels will be too high all the time...which means Jenny and I are going to have to find a way to not feel neglected/forgotten/overly picked on. Because our boyfriends our assholes. Not to us of course, but to each other, and to their friends. Soon we will be living with 4 assholes, and let me tell you...that's a lot to deal with. But it's not as if I don't like our new roomies individually, or even spending time with them's a matter of living together, ya know what I mean? Kyle + Diego is sometimes even too much asshole to deal with! lol Sigh...oh well, I'm sure it'll be fine. It'll definitely take a few weeks of "transition" where we begin to adjust to expanding our apartment to fitting so many people, lol. On the bright side, our rent payments will go down...and next summer if we all still want to live together + Yanira and Lee, we can rent out a really big house, and I think that'd be fun :) Though at that point, I'm sure Jenny, Yanira and I will need to have an Estrogen only room ;) aka a library/craft room preferably near the kitchen. I would also love a house with a big backyard for a certain pupper, with space for a little garden for us to grow our veggies :)

Rambles aside, Kyle is planning to surprise me with a pick-me-up tonight when he picks-me-up from work, and I'm really looking forward to it :)