Friday, December 31, 2010

So Long, 2010

So, I've managed to forget to upload pictures from Christmas almost everyday this week, and to be honest, it's not gonna happen tonight either!

But can you blame me, tonight we'll bid farewell to 2010. All the happiness, love, laughter, tears, and sadness that the year was full've been quite the emotional roller coaster!

Nonetheless, cheers to all the new friends, new experiences, new lessons, and new memories!

As for 2011...can I just say I hope you'll be a little more peaceful? That would just be so nice! a girl can dream, right?

So, here are my resolutions: don't laugh, m'kay?
  1. Continue to go to the gym regularly and work towards my health/appearance goals.
  2. Stay in better touch with my dear friends (get better at phone calls/video chats/emails/fb messages, etc)
  3. Look into agility training for Dexter (he'd have so much fun with it!)
  4. Spend more time with my hobbies (photography, crafts, sewing, roller skating, etc)
  5. Try a new recipe at least once a week
  6. Go hiking more often
  7. Travel somewhere new

That's all I have for now, maybe I'll update this before the night is through...

If we don't speak until after midnight, I hope this new year will bring you new happiness and peace :) 

1 comment:

  1. aw, I love you!

    let's communicate more.

    also, I can't wait to see you. can't WAIT. I wish there were such things as honeymoons with best friends, cause I need one with you.

    p.s. I think I'm delirious right now, but that's okay. happy new year to you and Kyle-man and the pupper!

    p.p.s. I'm so glad you didn't post any of those "candids" Kyle took of all of us that night we watched Family Stone. aka the most horrible pictures (of me) of all time!

