Saturday, December 5, 2009

In need of Inspiration

I'm currently suffering from a lack of inspiration. I don't really know what triggered it, but I just realized that I am quite restless. I need to do something...make something...feel something. But I don't know what.

I'm just aimlessly wandering around in an empty room, and I don't know how long I've been here.
I think the remedy is going out and stretching my's a nice sunny day out, though still a bit chilly, 32 degrees or so. 

Maybe what I need is snow!

I know the mountains are full of snow right now...wouldn't that be refreshing? That sounds nice, doesn't it? A day in the snow :)

I just need to get out of this funk. It drifts in and out of my days, and I can't pin point it's source. I'm happy with where I live, who I'm living with (who I love dearly!)...what I eat...I think it's what I do to be honest. This whole not working thing/lack of productivity is really getting to me. I actually look forward to doing work for school...or cleaning! Sigh. I guess that's the problem. Trying to find a job while having made promises to go home for the holidays is tough work. No one wants someone who immediately wants loads of time off...especially because most people are hiring FOR the holidays! I'll feel better once I have work to do :)

Maybe I'll busy myself with a bit of creativity... but for that I need to buy a hot glue gun! And some string...

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