Thursday, August 19, 2010

Moving Sucks!

Seriously, the only words I feel can summarize these past few days is:

"Moving SUCKS!"

For example, today, I got up, walked Dexter, came home, quickly showered, went to work for 9 1/2 hours, got off work, drove around for another half an hour trying to figure out what would be open for food because half of our shit is in one apartment while the other half is in the other. Went to the apartment, piled up the car with our stuff, came to the new apartment, unpacked stuff, dragged our incredibly heavy and impossible to move mattress up a few flights of stairs, dropped it into our bedroom, then I fed Dexter, played with him because the poor little guy didn't get much play time today, and then collapsed into bed.

I'm exhausted and not nearly done moving. Tomorrow will be a repeat of the process, but hopefully Kyle will be able to get more done now that today we finished with the big furniture (sort of...)

Hopefully by the end of this weekend our new apartment will be livable. I packed an over night bag since our mattress is now in our new apartment...seriously, can't all our stuff magically find it's way here? I'm so tired :(

p.s. this is why I have been a bad, bad blogger. I just don't have any down time for myself to unwind and gather my thoughts into a coherent entry. Sorry folks, hopefully I'll get a chance to explain all the other things that are going on. On another note, I'm really not SUPER unhappy, I'm just grumbling because I need to grumble to someone/thing.

1 comment:

  1. this might be a silly question, but why the living between two apartments?
    isn't the "normal route" to pack up one apartment, get a moving truck, and move to the other? lol
