Saturday, December 4, 2010


hold it...hold it...hold it...exhale...........

Breathing is a wonderful thing, I should do it more often...deep breathing in particular. I've always found it incredibly relaxing.

Something I need to do more: Relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax

This post will not be a rant. It will not be a bunch of rambles.

I received some great advice from a great friend, and I'm taking it to heart. I do need to focus on myself, as hard as that might be, I need to make the time. I get so caught up in a whirlwind of worries, I can't see the ground anymore, and it scares me. But I shouldn't be in whirlwinds, right? I embarked on this adventure to the lovely Seattle, Washington for many reasons. One of the most important being growing as a person. And I have grown, so I need to act like I've grown.

I'm in the need of re-inspiration to be me. Honestly, I haven't taken a picture for fun in so long. My bloggy is so sad without pictures, and more importantly, I LOVE taking pictures.

Tonight, I will embark on a new cooking adventure: vegan pumpkin cheesecake
I have been trying to make this cheesecake for weeks! I wanted to try to make it before we left for Thanksgiving so I could see if I wanted to make it for Thanksgiving...and I somehow never found the time to make it...then I decided I would just make it for Thanksgiving...but life got in the way, and I never got to make tonight, I WILL make it! It will taste delicious. I will enjoy stuffing my face with it. It will make me happy.

p.s. our date last night was quite lovely. Dinner at one of our favorite places, followed by geeking out at a Barnes & Noble and getting to pick out 3 books (it was a buy 2 get the 3rd free special). Food+Books? My boy sure knows how to cheer me up :)