Sunday, September 20, 2009

And so it starts...

Hello! Bonjour! Hola!
My name is Sety...and this is my blog.
I've created and attempted to blog before, but I can never manage to up keep them. However, I can tweet like a pro. So I've decided that instead of doing what I normally do, I'm going to keep my blog posts short and sweet. Also, instead of writing a mini-bio...I guess you (the reader) will just have to get to know me over time :)

I just recently moved to Seattle, Washington after living the first 20 years of my life in San Diego, California. I live in a cute apartment with my boyfriend/bestfriend, Kyle, who I love dearly and couldn't imagine my life without!

Our days aren't too exciting, especially because we haven't found jobs (yet) and haven't started school (yet). So, we haven't made any friends, and after getting the apartment in the perfect livable condition, we've kind of become house-cats.

However, today was an exciting day of adventure! After staying awake the entire night prior (we have very bad sleeping patterns, don't judge us) around 9am Kyle called up Fry's and asked them to put a very high in demand router on hold for us over in Renton. Now, we live in Northern/Western Seattle near Ballard, Crown Hill, Phinney Ridge. Renton is a good 30 min we went to Starbucks to fill up on caffiene (the 'bucks was inside our QFC, which is one of my favorite places in the whole world, haha) and some teas and doughnuts for the road.

I currently have a love/hate relationship with our new's been deemed the Cookie Monster by Kyle (though Chris likes to take surprise there! :P ) and in all honestly, I wish I was actually driving a real Cookie Monster...because I think it'd feel a little more comforting that our car. All I've ever been accomadated to driving was my 'lil Toyota Corolla (who I loved dearly), our Cookie Monster is a Jeep Compass, and although it was built on a car base still is bigger than my Corolla and I don't feel confident driving it at all. In fact I feel like I'm going to crash into the cars sitting next to me when I'm backing out of parking spaces, or that I'm going to drive up on the curb because I'm so afraid that I'm too big to fit in one lane (these are obviously ridiculous statements, but I was afraid of driving to begin with, and it now scares me again in our new car). I did put the first scratch on it probably 3 days after we got up's just a little scratch on the back door...we have an extremely tight corner to enter/leave the parking lot...and I had a trailer attached and was reversing and going forward on a trail/error basis....unfortunately, the spot I scratched was in my blind spot...

Anyway, while driving our Cookie Monster, I'm almost always very tense/paranoid/uneasy. Today, however, was a good day. I reversed out our of spot all by my self...drove for 30 mins to Renton (by the way, that drive was super beautiful, though my favorite part was crossing the bridge on the I-90're almost at water level with Lake Washington, it's a breath-taking view!) And when we got just a teensy bit lost trying to get to the Fry's thanks to unspecific directions, and we both thought I should U-Turn and do it over again, but was too afraid I wouldn't make the U-Turn and instead made a left turn, I got us right on the best path to Fry's! Yay for paranoia paying off!

So we went to Fry's, got the wireless router and some batteries for Sylvia (that's the name of my fav 35 mm Canon Rebel X if you didn't know) then drove across the street to Target, where I bought my sister and one of my best guy friends birthday presents. That was all pretty unexciting, aside from getting awesome parking spots! haha

Then we drove another 30 mins to Pike's Market Place. Which was a blast, as usual, especially since I had Sylvia :) I took a few amazing shots, which I'll post as soon as I get them developed. I haven't gone out and taken pictures in a long makes me crave the days when I took her almost everywhere I went, and when I was updating my deviant art all the time, and all the feedback, I loved the feedback :) but who doesn't love compliments, right? I had a hunch that this new town would bring out the photographer in me, I can't seem to stop being amazing by how beautiful our new city is! So I'm excited to go out and explore and take lots of pictures :) I'm also thinking about buying one of the last few Polaroid Instant Film cameras...actually, who am I kidding? I have to have one! haha

So, aside from picture taking, and strolling, we enjoyed a nice lunch at a hole in the wall Thai place we found maybe a block up from the market...we're currently searching for a favorite Thai restaurant...and while we enjoyed the food for the most part, the portion of Pad Thai was kind of sad, my Yellow Curry was a good portion size...however, the reoccurring theme was bad Tofu! And I don't mean it was old or just wasn't prepared or cooked correctly! So, we probably won't go back there, haha. But it was cheap eats, had nice music playing, and I got to read the 2nd to newest edition of Time while we enjoyed lunch :)

The drive home felt long because I was so tired, despite it only being 4:30pm, lol not sleeping for prolonged periods of time is not on my recommended list. Kyle took a nap because I was driving, and when we got home I was alert and awake for maybe an hour before passing out on the couch for a nap myself, haha. However, I cut it short in order to make sure I could go to sleep at a normal time.

Kyle, convinced he could stay up very late tonight, is currently passed out on the living room floor, I tried waking him up to come to bed, but really, once he's deep asleep you can only hope an earthquake or some other catastrophe will wake him up. The downside to that, though, is there's a high possibility that once he's awake, he won't go right back to sleep once you've relocated him. In fact, it's pretty likely that all he needed was a power nap and will once again, stay up an entire other night, defeated the purpose of us staying up all last night, haha.

Anyway, I guess I'll try waking him up again, because I'm ready to pass out! Or maybe I'll grab another blanket and join him in the living room...either once sounds nice because the end result will be sleep!

Goodnight Seattle!

1 comment:

  1. You have too many blogs, girl! But I'm glad you're back! There are some things that are just need to know, and in my case, your life is need to know. :)

    Oh p.s. my addy is:
    7632 Hollister Ave.
    Unit 248
    Goleta, CA 93117
