Saturday, October 3, 2009

It's Been A While

So I haven't posted in a while, mostly because my computer has been out of commission for a while! However, my wonderful boyfriend has fixed that problem! So a few brief updates on life...

1. We are back in Seattle (we have been since Monday night)! Our trip to SD was fun, and Kyle had many, many birthday breakfasts/lunches/dinners with different diners :) But to be honest, it's nice being home and back to our routine of sitting in bed/cuddling/watching movies/playing video games/eating...

2. On our way back, we brought our beloved poster tube! Full of some great art posters/music posters to help fill in some of the empty walls...and I left the tube in the shuttle that brought us back to our car...we called twice, and they haven't seen it! :(

3. We started school Tuesday...books cost an arm & a leg, but we've got a few limbs to spare...

4. While shopping today, we saw multiple Heinz products! It was hilarious/amazing! I've only ever seen their ketchup and wondered to myself what the other 56 products could be...

5. It is officially fall up here! It's sprinkled a little every day, and rained 2 days...but for the most part, it's just been chilly!

6. I'm pretty sure the extreme weather change (+100 degrees to 50 degrees) has definitely taken a toll on me! My throat is SUPER sore and it's painful to swallow anything :( I think I'm getting pretty sick, which does not bode well! At all! Sigh...

7. I've been feeling like a horrible friend/sister/daughter because I'm so far behind on talking to anyone and sending out the care packages/presents I've assembled :( But I must keep trying, persistence is necessary, and I miss talking to so many people...being far away is pretty difficult.

8. I got invited to Google voice, so I feel special! My "Seattle" phone number is 659-SETY hahaha :) and no, I'm not kidding! At least I don't have the "weird" San Diego area code, haha.

Alright, that's all folks! I'm feeling sleepy thanks to the Nyquill!

Goodnight Seattle!


  1. You are a great friend... you're just a little off in the clouds! And I mean that in the best way possible :)

    By the way. If, perchance, we do decide on doing a joint-writing&photo-venture together.... we should name it:

    Comblant le Fossé: Les Vies Curieuses de Deux Princesses Égyptiennes.

  2. Thank you, my dear! Also, I love the name! :) and I love you!
